defanor's homepage
Here I write about the things I learn, use, do, and think of.
The page about me includes contact information.
There is the index of notes . Most recently modified ones:
Network abuse A log of dealing with network abuse
(2022-09 to 2025-03 ,
1466 words)
Personal data storage Storage and backup notes
(2021-03 to 2025-03 ,
3275 words)
Information security basics A brief guide on information security and literacy
(2025-03 ,
2333 words)
Computer hardware Personal notes on computer hardware
(2019-04 to 2025-03 ,
2986 words)
Online courses and math notes Notes on learning
(2017-01 to 2025-03 ,
2237 words)
Physical exercises Casual workouts at home
(2023-03 to 2025-02 ,
2371 words)
Software packaging and deployment An overview of software packaging and deployment options
(2018-10 to 2025-02 ,
1411 words)
Food Reasonably healthy, quick, and easy to cook meals
(2021-05 to 2025-02 ,
6197 words)
My recent hobby projects are available from my GitHub page , my
Codeberg page , or my tildegit page .
There is the index of blog posts , and I have a separate Mastodon
microblog . Below are the most recent blog entries.
There are many interesting things
around, and I am trying to collect them: it is both for me, to
keep them around, and for others who may be interested.